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Feeling tired? Need help with putting your baby to sleep? 

We help babies and families sleep better! 


About Safe and Sound

As a mother of twins myself, I struggled a lot to find the right help! Like anything else, seldom does one-size-fit-all
or that one standard method works for everyone.
I found that out myself the hard way after trying various methods that didn’t suit me nor my children.
I remember spending sleepless nights googling my heart out trying to find solutions to our problems with no
success. I remember being overwhelmed and feeling helpless like there was no light-at-the-end-of-the-tunnel. I’m here to tell you: There is!
I was lost with waking times, naps, bedtime routines and everything else in between. Rigid Crying-It-Out methods
were definitely not for me. I felt judged for not having the heart to do it and abandoned because I was seeking a
gentler approach. That's why I made it my goal to empower parents and mothers like myself and educate YOU about healthy sleep habits! I want to provide you with the most gentle methods available that will benefit your baby for years to come.

Safe & Sound’s mission is to provide compassionate care and a personal approach to suit your needs and your
Don’t we all dream of a world where every child can experience the joy and wonder of a well-rested life. I am
committed to making quality sleep accessible to families everywhere.

I am here to help and it starts NOW!


I have dedicated myself to providing tailored services that cater to you and your family's need for the most restful sleep for you and your child. Drawing from my own personal experience with sleep deprivation, I have made it my
mission to customize and target every aspect of the sleep training process specifically for you. To achieve this, I have broken down the process into manageable pieces, enabling you and I to address specific factors that will
greatly impact your baby's sleep quality.

Sleep Patterns


Through my questionnaire I will gather information about your baby's sleep history, sleep environment, bedtime routine, and any other factors that may be affecting their sleep. 


Online Support

Establishing healthy sleep patterns can be challenging therefore the option of daily online support and real-time feedback is available as you navigate the challenges of sleep training.

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Custom Sleep

Plan & Schedule

Develop a personalized plan that is tailored to you and your baby's individual needs and preferences.



I'll be there during bedtime to support you every step of the way, providing guidance, comfort and reassurance as
you work towards accomplishing your goals. I am your #1 supporter!

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Face to Face


Nothing would make me happier than getting to meet you personally to allow for a more personal and human
connection. This may help you feel more comfortable sharing personal information and establishing a good
rapport with me.



I conduct a comprehensive assessment to identify any factors that may be affecting your baby's sleep. I’ll evaluate factors such as temperature, lighting and noise levels to ensure that your baby is sleeping in a safe and
comfortable environment.

What Well Rested Parents Say

“ My baby had to be rocked and fed to sleep. He had no nap times and No bed time routine. He woke up 10 times during the night. So basically I was skeptical that anything was ever going to work. I searched for nurses, sleep training  consultants, any help and found jala. She actually took me through the whole process one step at a time. Now I have a baby who has fixed naps and a bedtime routine.  A baby who enjoys his crib and wakes up singing instead of crying. A baby who sleeps through the night happily instead of waking every half hour. Really thank you for helping me do this and go through this without being harsh or tough on myself or my son. I really recommend Jala’s approach... I now enjoy his naps, meals and his bedtime routine. It helped us grow a bond that did not exist.”

- Salma S. (mom of a 10 month old baby)

- Dina O (mom of a 14 month old)

As Certified from

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